Paleo Diet

Apply These 5 Secret Techniques to Improve Work Out Routines

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Ask any fitness trainer of the best workout routine and he/she can’t answer you. The truth is, there is no such thing as the best routine though there are highly recommended workout routines. This is because each person is unique and so is his/her fitness needs. The best workout is one that suits your fitness goals and lifestyle without compromising your overall health condition. Whether you’re still starting out with your workout or on an advanced stage of making it part of your lifestyle, there are ways on how you can improve it.

Here are the top five techniques on how you can improve your workout routines:

1.       Eat right

Balance Foods

One thing that you should remember when starting out your workout routines is to eat. You should never start with an empty stomach. However, you should consume the right kind and amount of food.

It is advised to eat slow-digesting carbs before you start your workout. Examples of these food sources include whole grains, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. Slow-digesting carbs are good sources of energy yet they do not cause a sudden spike of your blood sugar level.

2.       Establish a routine

The most challenging part of getting fit is establishing routine. For someone who is just starting this healthy habit, the first 3 months will be the hardest. But once you get past that 90-day mark, it’ll be easier.

3.       Find activities that you love

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends spending at least 2 ½ hours on moderate activities (e.g. swimming, jogging, gardening) and 1 hour and 15 minutes on vigorous activities (e.g. bicycling, jumping rope, running event) per week. A key to achieving this set of hours from AHA is to find activities that you love.

strength training One of the reasons why many people quit too easily in their journey to becoming fit is because they don’t have sufficient motivation to get going. Some of them are stuck in activities that they really don’t like. As a result, they see it more as a ‘requirement’ and this diminishes their desire to go on.

4.       Incorporate strength training

In contrast with what many people believed, strength training isn’t just for bodybuilders. Those who are not into bodybuilding should incorporate these exercises to increase their bone density and muscle mass. Also, incorporating at least 20 to 30 minutes of strength training can do wonders especially in the prevention of osteoporosis.

5.       Warm up and cool down

Warming up and cooling down are among the most basic components of a workout yet they are often overlooked. When you start and end your workout right, you are doing your heart a favor. Aside from keeping your oxygen levels in check, these two basic routines prevent muscle strain and injury.



Check out Old School New Body Review website to find out more about getting rip in less time!

Paleo Eating Plan: Making Weight Loss Possible

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 Today’s changes in lifestyle particularly to the kind of food that one eats have paved way for the rise of debilitating diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. All these and more can be prevented if one learns how to choose the right kind of food and find the right balance between diet and physical activity. To help people get back on track, many diet programs have been created by different companies and nutrition experts. One of the diet programs that have been creating buzz both among celebrities and regular people is the Paleo diet.

The Paleo diet is claimed to be among the healthiest diet programs out there. This is based on the belief that the optimal diet for the person is one that humans are genetically adapted to. This pertains to the diet of those people who existed during the Paleolithic Age. People who have existed millions of years ago have a diet comprised of fresh fruits, vegetables, and organic meats. In a research conducted, it was found out that people during the Paleolithic age are free from diseases that are known to men today.

Paleo Eating Plan and Weight Loss

One of the many reasons why Paleo diet is the preferred diet of many people is because it is an effective way of losing weight. The following are the ways on how this diet could help you shed those excess pounds:

  • You’re consuming more of high density food and no junk.
  • You eat less of salty food (processed foods are a no-no in the Paleo diet) so there is less water retention.
  • You eat more of foods that stabilize your blood sugar level so you crave less for unhealthy food.
  • You burned more stored fat because of the protein and healthy fats in the diet.
  • You lose weight more efficiently because energy is obtained from your stored fat.

Foods to Eat

You don’t need to revamp your kitchen to get into this kind of diet. You just need to stock on the following basic foods to get started with it:

  1. Organic eggs
  2. Ground meat from grass-fed cow
  3. Sardines (you can opt for those packed in olive oil)
  4. Cauliflower
  5. Collard greens (make a good choice for doses of healthy greens)
  6. Unsweetened berries (blueberries are the best)
  7. Sweet potatoes
  8. Coconut milk (perfect alternative for heavy creams)
  9. Unsweetened coconut flakes (can be added to your desserts)
  10. Unrefined cooking oil

1 week Paleo Diet Plan

Paleo Eating Meal: Back to Basics

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The growing number of people getting into the Paleo diet is a living testament that it works not just in weight loss but as well in living a healthy life. The diet, also known as the caveman’s diet, is based on the foods consumed by our ancestors. These foods are considered to be ‘real foods’ because they are free from preservatives, additional salt or sugar, and are not processed.

Started in 1985, the Paleo diet has long been practiced both by celebrities and regular people. In a study conducted, it has been found out that people who have existed during the Paleolithic Age are free from inflammatory and debilitating diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases mainly because of what they eat. By consuming foods that are similar to what the cavemen have eaten before, it is believed that people could avoid these debilitating diseases too.
What to Eat

The Paleo diet isn’t complicated. It is simply a diet that brings you back to the basics. Imagine the time where advanced food processes and preservatives are not yet existent. The food choices that you can think of for that situation are basically what comprise the Paleo diet. Thus, foods allowed in this diet include meat, seafood, eggs, non-starchy veggies, and fruits. Those that are laden with salt and sugar are not allowed as well as meats from animals that are not grass-fed.

Planning Your Paleo Meal

In contrast with what many people believed, planning out your Paleo meal doesn’t have to consume most hours of your day. Here are some tips on how you could plan out your Paleo meals:

1. Load on meat and fish

Meat and Fish

People who have lived during the Paleolithic Age have a diet comprised mainly of meat. It’s the leading source of energy for them and so it will to you once you follow the caveman diet. When shopping for meat, make sure that they came from animals that have been grass-fed. Also, opt for meat products that are fresh.

2. Skip the grains


It was believed that health problems began to rise when our ancestors started to plant crops such as rice and wheat. Grains are not allowed in the Paleo diet as they are hard to digest and have components that block the absorption of nutrients.

3. Get plenty of produce

Aside from meats, our ancestors pile on a variety of fruits and vegetables. Do the same thing but opt for the organic type.

4. Limit your intake of dairy products

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
The incorporation of dairy products in the Paleo diet has been quite controversial. The cavemen before didn’t keep cows and so, were not consuming dairy products at all. However, research has it that small amounts of dairy products could be good to one’s health.

5. Include healthy sources of fats

Good and bad fats

Fats make up a portion of the Paleo diet. Besides, it’s one of the main sources of energy. However, you need to know that not all sources of fats are healthy. Steer away from fats obtained from processed foods.

It may not be easy to shift your diet into these food sources but gradually incorporating them into your daily meals will eventually help you get used to the Paleo diet.

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